chain emails.

yes, we all know what chain emails are. Unless you dont have any friends between the ages of about 5 to about 20 i would be surprised if you havent ever recieved a chain email. I have come to the conclusion that chain emails are things that should be torn apart and humiliated for what they really are. If I recieve a chain email I Change it so it looks completely rediculious and then send it back to every person that ever sent it. Boycot chain emails!
Oh yes, new theory. Theres a demon right, and he acts as the god of chain emails. Hes the one that rains curses down upon you if you forget to send it to at least 3 people in the next 5 minutes.


>This really works, i swear!!
>>AND GIRLFRIEND TEST (Dun Dun Duuuuun)>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
>>>>This is no joke. It works (from experience, because I always send on chain emails, and I have already aquired 13 dream girlfriends.).
>>DO NOT just delete this. DO WHAT IT SAYS!!!! FOR YOUR OWN LOVE LIFE'S SAKE!!! LISTEN TO ME! EXPLANATION MARK! AAAAH! This is imperative to all mankind I say!>>Read this now or forever hold your peace.(Well, technically this sentence is used intirely out of context, Since Were going to ask you to send this message at the end of it all. So in fact, Read this now and hold your peace till the very end of the message would probably be more appropriate.)
>>This is not just your ordinary chain letter, Its a super chain email which totally isnt cliche. Every person you send it to, brings you more good luck. Wow!! Did you see it coming! Thats soooo different from our usual chain emails.
>If you send it to no one, it will cause someone you like to Like you a bit more, because they WONT be getting irritated by any silly chain emails.
>>If you send it to 1 person, your next relationship will have lots of fun times, Like falling in mud together.
>>If you send it to 2 people, you will get a secret admirer. And not the creepy, looking in your window type either, more the, read all your mail type.
>>I f you send it to 3 people, you'll get a date for the next school dance. If your out of school youl be asked by someone half your age to go to their school dance. Itl be uber imbarracing.
>>If you send it to 4 people, you'll meet the person of your dreams. the one with scissors for hands. So I say dont send it to only four people.
>>If you send it to 5 people, the guy or girl you met of your dreams will ask for your phone number. "Hey im a chick with scissors for hands... can I have your number?"
>>>If you send it to 8>people, your next relationship will be an everlasting hole of agony and arguements. Yaaaaay.
>>>If you send it to 13 people, your boyfriend or girlfriend, will become totally connected to you against their will. Youl have a copper wire strung through your hips so your stuck together.
>>>If you send it to 15 people, the person you have been crushing on for a very long time, will ask you out, I say dont say yes. Their probably jerks anyway.
>>If you send it to 18 people, your date for the next dance will ask you out. Thats when it gets even more imbarrasing. You craddle snatcher.
>>If you send it to 20 people, you'll make out with your crush at a party.. Oh dear. What will her parents say.
>>If it can do that much sending it to 20 people, imagine what it will do if you send it to more. No! thats sick. Dont think about it.
>>The consequences (Oh yes, sorry, this isnt one of those nice little chain emails that lets you get away with it):
>>If you do not send this letter to anybody, your life will suck! If it already sucks, itl probably suck a little bit more. If your a vacuum life will stay exactly the same. You have 5 days to send this letter to at least 1 person, I suggest some real annoying person that no one likes. You can send this to as many people as you want to, more the merrier and all that.. I am warning not just delete this letter. It is a new chain letter and we would like it to get sent around as quick as possible. I refused to send it to many people(ONLY 38 people) when I first made it in June of 1982, because I didn't believe it would work. I do things when I dont think their gonna work. I have a low self esteem, I like to keep it that way. I sent it to 38 people(ONLY), then I got the best boyfriend that I could ever have..... I mean girlfriend.. I meant girlfriend.

>>>Romantic, Popular, or Brainy? Well We have the job for you! Spot all the grammer mistakes in this horrible chain email. (sponsored by bitchin dog food)>

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! this is why I only send chains to you