The PMS incident

Msn is the place of shy people acting dirty. where you could act like anyone you wanted and probably get away every time looking like a complete idiot. Something could happen to you and you wouldnt know if it was serious or a big joke.
For example(true story): Im doing my thing on msn, messing about. Some random chick is like, omg, thats a hot pic! blah blah blah. I wanna lay you right now, etc. and all this nuts stuff. and shes like, im having my period. bwahahahaha.
I was like, aight. fun, hows that working out for you?
And she kept on and on, until I eventually blocked her, then consequently deleted.
example two:
"Hi im phil, I like dick" logged in
"izak"/ so your gay??
"Hi im phil, I like dick"/ yup. lol, it makes a good conversation starter.
"izak"/huh, true.....
"Hi im phil, I like dick" is now *blocked*

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