Sims2 - Night Life Expansion

Now this is a cool expansion. I Recommend it over bon voyage or seasons. If your itching to make your house into a what would resemble a gay nightclub then this is for you. The one new object (of over 125 so the blurb goes) I was most looking forward to was the DJ Booth. Its pretty neato, it puts up your creativity the same way the piano does. And the cool thing is people dance along to it.
If you decide to go downtown, to the clubs and stuff, you can actually go be the DJ and earn money, you can also tend the bar. When I tried it I only earned $5 per hour or so. So I didnt really bother much after that. Buying a car is kinda cool. Saves having to call a damn taxy when you want to go to a community lot.
The one problem I had was every time I wanted to go to a club or something It would take forever to load. So that put me right off.
Other new features is how you interact. Mainly flirting. people now have chemistry together, and sometimes they have a relationshit. You get angry at people if they offend you enough.
All in all its an Ok patch. I still wish robert would lend me University though. (it adds another phase of life, thus making your sims live that little bit longer.)

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