Yup, its my first DS game to clock. Its the only one thats really caught my interest. I have always been a fan of those extreme sport combo games (See the post about Matt Hoffmans.)
If you have played Tony Hawks before youl know all about this game. So Ill try not to talk about stuff that we have all done a billion times in the other games. First off, this is a hand held game(Exclusive), so we can presume its been dumbed down. When I got to the last level I realized that after doing a vert trick and then a revert/manual to link my tricks I found out I didn't actually need to press up down to do the manual, it does them automatically after the revert. lol.
Skills are easy as to get up, I got most of them maxed out on the first level purely by just riding around like a tosser it seemed. Balance is something thats seems to be something thats taken a back seat. Although its still there it poses little threat.
I put it on the easy setting, but surely it didnt make it THAT easy for me. Ill talk to someone, they say, hey find that ramp and ollie up onto that roof. then your automatically put in front of the ramp, you go up it and ollie up onto it BOOM. $250 dollars! Yours! None of this messing around trying to figure out where to go. It just plonks it there and then spoon feeds you everything. So not all that challenging for someone who has played these before, I recommend you turn up the difficulty. Youl cruise through the game easy.
Game time was only a few hours, I did it in a few sittings, I haven't finished all the side missions yet though. although they are easy to whip through.
You know how you usually slow down while doing your combo? Well the DS version messed that idea up. It slows EVERYTHING down. You can pretty much watch yourself turn in slow mo after awhile.
There are 7 levels. The last one being your own customised park, which you slowly buy over the course of the game. You deside on which ramps are installed etc. In the end You play as all the pros, making a video on the park, which is insidentilly called the same name as the game. Duh.
Touch screen features: it is mainly used for the map. When your not moving you can move the map around to take a gander. When you have special you can press the Special move button on the screen. Its like a short cut so you don't need to remember them on the keypad. Theres also a slow mo button. Which I never used, because its on the left, where im usually trying to keep my character from carreaning into a wall then spastically bouncing in awkward directions.
You also use the touch screen during freak out mode. three bars bounce up and down, you have to hit them at the top of their peak to get the highest freak out.
You can also draw your own custom board and tags. You never really see the bottom of your skateboard anyway, so I didn't bother. This game Isn't really about buying boards or new clothes. Just missions.
Although Im slaming this game completely and poking holes in it. I liked it, Even though it was short I liked it. For all its short comings it was still better than final fantasy XII.
So that means im gonna go get proving grounds for the DS now. Lets customise the world!
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