The world ends with you

The title of this square enix game first reminded me of that song by the lemon demons. "The world ends with you, confused destroyer of planets."
This game has revived in me the hope that square enix could actually make a decent RPG that was actually ORIGINAL. I doubt there will be a series made out of this game. It is a very good stand alone title. Although to keep the game playable after finishing the main story line it lets you skip back to previous chapters. Playing through the chapters will reveal new stuff which wasn't covered the first time through. So they purposefully leave out some of the answers you may have about the story line, so your sucked into it for another few hours. Just like an episode of lost. Thankfully this game isn't a random encounter game. Your stuck in a city called shibuya. And your main character is a player in a sick and twisted game of life and death. Players get knocked off as the week wears on. You fight these random creatures called noise. So you scan the area, and it reveals noise floating around, which can be destroyed.
Im not gonna go into the story line, because I dont want to ruin it for you. Me and my mates would have a gather fest, and all sit around the screen, reading the screeds and screeds of writing that they constantly spit out. But after finishing the game I really wanted another story driven game. I DO have to admit that this game is very cliche in some of its thoughts. "I need to trust in my friends, if I do, I can do anything." says the big eyed hermafrodite looking boy with big hair.
What this game has over most others is style. It just looks so damn cool. Its got a huge graffiti element to it, which I have a soft spot for.
What this game did have a problem with initially was when you get into a boss battle you generally spend a lot of time talking, and let me tell you, that talking gets frustrating if you have to tap through it for five minutes constantly every time you die and have to restart. Fortunatly after the first boss battle it unlocks the option to just instantly replay. I don't know why it doesn't just give it to you at the beginning like a good little game. Maybe its trying to make you thankful or something.
Wifi is interesting, You can "Mingle" by just leaving your DS on in the mode, itl connect to any other users out in the world and youl get free items and junk. You can also open a store that others can buy from. I didn't do any selling while I played, but I did mingle and got a rare "alien" encounter, what ever that is.
If your starved for something to do on your DS, and your into RPGS, I suggest you get this damn game.

Oh yea, while Im talking about wifi and the DS, I was thinking about it. Pictochat is the biggest waste of space ever, well in NZ and Thailand it is anyway, theres never ANYBODY within range to chat with, no ones ever gonna be looking for other people either, so theres never any chance of swearing at randoms EVER. Now if they could let you connect to pictochat forums for games you have, that would be cool.

Next to be reviewed is gasp, gasp, Spore! For the DS.

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