Guitar Hero: World Tour

I found this review while wandering around the web looking for stuff on "On tour."
I played World Tour today actually, and some of the stuff this guy brings up is pretty much a piece of crap. He whines about Mics being to sensitive. and he couldn't even get *4 multipliers on medium for singing. We'll I played it on medium and I got *4 multies all the time. and the Mics are to sensitive? I don't know what sort of environment he played it in, on the back of a moving truck or something, But the mic was pretty good at not picking up random sounds. I played in my mates echoey little room, with Hayden Smashing around on the drums and it didn't mind one bit. In fact the software seems to have a feature where it DOES recognize the background sound, but it doesn't break combos. Thats what I figure anyway, cause when I sing into it during the non singing pieces it shoots the meter up, but only when I sing a bit louder does it register and burn the blue line into it.
There were a few more reasons I didn't like the review, but I just forgot.. I thought it was an awesome game.
Now I should get back to doing my own reviews instead of reviewing other peoples reviews. Ha ha.

P.s. it is regretable that Harmonix is no longer traveling with us on the guitar hero path.

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