Its seems as though the old platform games are making a comeback, although now people are actually pushing boundaries. Back in the day we were happy enough to play Jazz jackrabbit, crystal caves, Duke Nukem and other such games. There was little difference in these games, other than how they looked.
But now adays we have games like trine and braid on our hands. Trine is a puzzle game that uses gravity a lot. So you can be sure there will be lots of see-saws and falling shit. You can switch between three characters while playing (Mid jump even). You have your dexterious thief, your box congering wizard (Who can't shoot fireballs), and your rather boring warrior, who can swing a sword. Or a hammer if your lucky. I used my thief for the majority of my puzzle solutions, swinging around with her grapple hook. I guess its your play style that dictates how your going to get through a level. Some people might just be happy with making some boxes, impaling them on the spikes and hoping up them like a staircase. Its really up to you how you do it.
I like the fact that the game doesn't limit you. It feels likes its almost daring you to try to find a loop hole. (Like instead of climbing really high to get an item, just make a box behing it and telepathicly push the item off the ledge with the box.)
The game itself is short, but its fun the whole way through, even if they do start running out of ideas near the end. Its also really easy. But I enjoyed myself playing it. Ew. that sounded sorta like I touched myself while playing it.. Maybe I did. While watching that theif hop about.
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