Youtube Vs. Vimeo

Let me make this short and sweet.

To be honest I haven't been on vimeo long. It started a couple days ago when I realized all my favourite arty vids online were all hosted there instead of on youtube. Checking out the site it's going for the really simple slick look. To be honest it looks like it was done in by the same people who designed twitter.
All the videos I have looked at so far are in high def and excellently directed. I sort of wonder if each video gets screened before it goes public because I haven't found a single shitty home video yet with kids in it telling in jokes to each other.

If these two sites were clubs, Youtube doesn't check ID, it smells faintly of urine and a million teenyboppers are pretending to be drunk on grape juice.
Vimeo is on a different street, Only people on the VIP list get in, the place smells like old spice. The people are sophisticated and talk about important things like floating houses.

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