Over the last month or so I have been having a lot of fun playing Minecraft. This fun has been shown to friends and thus been passed on. Addicting everyone along the way. It's spreading like AIDs.
But over the course of my play I have also been keeping an eye on the community. And while most of them are pretty cool, there are of course, the noobs, the jerks, and the downright stupid. I wonder if they are the same set of noobs from every other game... anyway here we go with a list of things that need to be sorted out for this world to be a better place.

Players: Don't bitch about things not working, or something being broken. Your playing in a construction site where there are a lot of sharp brutal corners. It's going to be a while before things are smoothed out. Until then just report the problem like a civil human being so Notch can deal with it when he's good and ready.
Downtime: If your complaining about a new update breaking everything stfu. Come back in an hour, go have a wank, go outside perhaps. Eat maybe.
Ok I forgot the rest of what I was gonna say. I really just needed to get some steam off.
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