So me and matt were gonna go over to hang out with the chicks, Bex has fallen in love with burnout revenge over the past couple of days. Shes also been professing she will beat me fair and square(bless her soul). I didnt really see why she couldnt but I desided to disagree on principle.
So we decided to tear ourselves away from Guitar hero to practice up our car mangling skills. To be honest I hate the Destroy everything parts of the game. Where you have to rush into a busy intersection and politically incorrectly blow the shit out of everything in sight. They just dont interest me much. Races on the other hand are what I know and love.
So we played that for about 10 minutes before I lost interest and we went off to play something else.
So the next day (Im sorry Bex but you brought this on yourself =P) we go over to the girls place with 2 half finished bottles of coke, chips and more importantly the xbox 360. We go in, watch them play singstar for a bit. Then I finally got to sit down (with the pink ps2 controller) and whip bex at burnout. and so ends the boasting. The end.
For the rest of the night we played Guitar Hero. Dude its amazing watching matt play monkey wrench without looking.
Matt when you read this, comment your longest streak and what song it is. Im fuzzy on the details.
1 comment:
Tis like A thousand and thirty something on Monkey Wrench. Booyah
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