Tony Hawks 4 - Matt hoffmans 2

Well I originaly clocked most of this game on gamecube in January. So it was interesting to play it on xbox and checked out the differences. I dont remember the mini games on the gamecube version. But thats about it.
I played as Bam. His pro challenge (when you get that far) is to do 3 different types of races in a shopping trolley. It was a bit frustrating but I managed it in the end. woot I guess. Since doing the pro challenge I havent bothered going and doing all the others. I just dont see the point.
Its weird. Playing project 8 is like, ugh, completely different form all the others. and I must say, I suck ass. Perhaps its the set up, or the way the camera is pretty much pressed against the skaters back, or its just to complicated and you dont go as high as you usually do. Either way, I suck.
Well, off to play matt hoffmans pro BMX 2. Woot woot. I hated the feel at first cause I was expecting pro skater on two wheels, but Im getting more and more into it. And I love it how they bless you with videos and stuff all the time. It would own to truly go on a tour like that.


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