games galore

ok, in the past two weeks I have had severly good luck when its come to aquiring new xbox games. Im so proud in fact I'm gonna give a list of the games I got. If you have something particularly about any of the games don't be afraid to post:

Sonic mega collection plus
Farcry:Instincts evolution
Tony Hawk's pro skater 4
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Dead Or Alive 3
Jade Empire (Limited Edition)
The Elder scrolls III: Morrowind (GOTYE)
Burnout 3:Takedown
Tom Clancy's Ghost recon Advanced Warfighter

The Beauty of all this. Didn't have to pay a cent. Me and Ben have a mate in EB who had some stock that they were gonna throw away so he nabbed 5 of the 9 games in that list for us. Tom Clancy and Farcry have the yellow "for promotional use only not for resale all over them. And on far cry you HAVE to watch the freakin intro video, but other than that their all good. The other 4 games we aquired with a chipped X Box that has san andreis on the harddrive. Some guy owed ben money. It was the only way he could pay him. mwahahaha! Im in gaming bohemia. That state of constantly switching games cause you have so much choice but no real interest in the importance of any of them.

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